Can an elderly person who has been deaf for many years still be treated?

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  • Source:Audion Hearing Aids

In life, there are many examples where many elderly people have difficulty communicating because they cannot hear clearly. To communicate with them, they basically rely on "yelling". The world of some elderly people becomes quieter and quieter, and they become less and less willing to communicate with others.

Can the elderly’s deafness be cured after many years?
Symptoms of deafness in the elderly are a relatively common phenomenon. Do many elderly people around us have varying degrees of hearing defects? Some elderly people also have symptoms of deafness. In most cases, This is all due to the obvious decline of human body immunity, which may lead to varying degrees of blurred vision or hearing loss. If the elderly develop symptoms of deafness, they should go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment in time. Generally, this is the early stage. It can be effectively treated with drugs, but if the symptoms of deafness are severe, Hearing Aids can only be used to restore hearing.

Presbycusis should be treated actively. The first is to treat the cause. For the elderly with hearing loss, hearing can be significantly improved. In addition, prevention is also very important. The inner ear ages as the body ages. Therefore, to prevent presbycusis, we should consider anti-aging and actively adopt effective treatment strategies.

Presbycusis is caused by the aging of the auditory organs. It is a kind of neurological deafness. In fact, there is no possibility of complete cure for this type of deafness. , there are many factors leading to presbycusis, which can be roughly divided into two categories:

First, internal factors, including genetic factors and systemic factors (emotional stress, certain chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunction, etc.).

The other type is external factors, such as environmental noise, high-fat diet, smoking and alcohol abuse, exposure to ototoxic drugs or chemical reagents, infection, etc. These factors can cause or aggravate the occurrence of presbycusis. develop.

Although it cannot be cured, it does not mean that we can ignore it. Some measures should be taken, such as medication, surgery, or wearing hearing aids. Although these measures cannot cure, they can alleviate the symptoms of presbycusis.

Secondly, you should also pay attention to your diet. Pay attention to your diet. Do not eat foods that are too greasy, high in salt and sugar, and then quit smoking and drinking. At the same time, If the elderly have other cardiovascular diseases, they also need to pay attention. Timely treatment is very important. Many presbycusis is related to those cardiovascular diseases.of. Therefore, when the elderly are found to have other diseases, timely intervention and treatment are also required.

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