Will presbycusis affect family relationships?

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  • Source:Audion Hearing Aids

Physiologically speaking, hearing will gradually decrease with age. Generally speaking, varying degrees of deafness will appear after the age of 60, but some people also develop deafness in their forties or fifties.

Will presbycusis affect family relationships?
It will be affected. The elderly have communication difficulties due to hearing problems, and hearing loss can cause cognitive changes, personality changes, social isolation and other adverse effects. It may manifest as loneliness, depression, isolation, suspicion, bad temper, etc., which greatly affects the quality of life.

Presbycusis seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly
The harm of presbycusis is not only physical harm, but also psychological harm, which seriously affects Improves the quality of life of the elderly:

1. Easily cause traffic accidents: The elderly suffer from deafness and are prone to traffic accidents on the road because they cannot hear the sound of horns and whistles.

2. It is easy to cause Alzheimer’s disease: the elderly rarely talk to others because of their deafness. Over time, their reactions are slow and their intelligence declines. The disuse of their hearing function may aggravate brain atrophy, eventually leading to deafness and inducing Alzheimer’s disease. occurrence of disease.

3. It is easy to cause mental breakdown in the elderly: The elderly cannot communicate normally due to deafness, and they will become anxious, disappointed, pessimistic, and depressed. Because not being able to hear will cause doubts, which can easily lead to mental breakdown in the long run.

4. Affects sleep: Deafness in the elderly is often accompanied by tinnitus, often high-frequency sounds. It is intermittent at first, appearing in the dead of night, and then gradually becomes continuous, and can also be heard during the day. Tinnitus can seriously affect sleep quality.

To prevent presbycusis, a variety of measures can be taken to prevent it

1. First of all, promote a healthy lifestyle, good living habits, and a positive and optimistic life attitude, delaying the aging of the body, preventing various senile diseases, and reducing the occurrence of presbycusis.

2. Conduct hearing screening: Health check-ups are widely carried out in our country, and hearing screening has been included in the catalog of health check-ups. This is to improve the awareness of ear care and ear protection among people undergoing physical check-ups, so as to detect hearing problems early and seek medical treatment in time.

3. Middle-aged and elderly people should not consume too much fat and sweets. It is advisable to eat a light diet to prevent the occurrence of systemic diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes, which may affect the hearing function of the ears.

4. Read more and talk more. Persisting in reading newspapers aloud every day can delay the deterioration of the language center. Talking more with people around you can also play a role in exercising your listening skills.

5. Avoid listening to mobile phones and headphones and other entertainment devices for long periods of time.

6. Take good care of your ears. Don't pick your ears casually, and don't use earplugs to listen to music for a long time (no more than 30 minutes at a time).

Hearing Aids can preserve residual hearingPower

More than half of the family members of patients with presbycusic hearing loss have believed that the elderly are old and hearing loss is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to worry about it. This wrong view will not only cause serious hearing impairment in the elderly, It will also cause physical and mental harm to the elderly. Wearing hearing aids can help improve the hearing status of the elderly. Experts point out that early treatment and intervention for patients with presbycusis can preserve their residual hearing and avoid further hearing damage, because retaining residual hearing is very important for improving the quality of life of the elderly in their later years. After early symptoms appear, it is necessary to consider whether there is hearing impairment and conduct an audiometry examination as soon as possible to facilitate timely intervention and treatment.

Expert advice:

Remind everyone: To prevent presbycusis, ototoxic drugs should first be used with caution. Keep exercising every day and avoid noise irritating your ears to avoid hearing damage and deafness. Secondly, we should quit smoking, drinking and other bad habits, and pay more attention to our diet. There is a lot to do to prevent deafness. Only by taking good care of our hearing can we reduce the chance of deafness and have healthy hearing.

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