Hearing protection tips for the gym

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  • Source:Audion Hearing Aids

There’s no denying the benefits a physical exercise program can have on our physical and mental health. However, many gyms still tend to maintain high volume levels, which is not very good for our ears.

Of course, this is no excuse to give up on exercise – just follow our tips to keep your workouts safe and your hearing healthy.

View your music
Music is great for exercise, it helps us get into a state of movement, stay in rhythm and stay motivated.
However, listening to music loudly through headphones can damage your hearing.
For safety reasons, please set the volume to within 60% of the maximum volume, and avoid habitually turning up the volume while moving. If necessary, it’s worth investing in a pair of high-quality noise-canceling headphones.

Be careful during class
It’s no secret that gym classes are generally extremely noisy, from the music to the instructor shouting instructions above the music. .

However, you can protect your hearing without missing out on the fun of group lessons.

You can try wearing earplugs during class, or even better, protect everyone’s hearing by asking the instructor to turn down the music.

Watch the weight
The sound of heavy objects hitting the gym can reach 140 decibels, which is louder than an air raid siren or the sound of a plane's jet engine during takeoff.

Needless to say, higher volumes can damage your ears, so be careful when using the weights and don't suddenly slam them down. You can also ask those around you to avoid doing this.

Don’t exert too much force
During high-intensity exercise, exerting too much force or holding your breath can put unsafe pressure on the ears, which can cause damage to the middle ear. It causes tears in the tiny membrane between the ear and the inner ear.

You can protect your ears by making sure you breathe correctly during exercise and avoid overexerting yourself by lifting heavy weights.

Identify any changes
Most importantly, if you notice any changes in your hearing after exercise, such as tinnitus or less hearing than before exercise Qing, please do not ignore the importance of hearing examination and seek professional help.

Translated from Hearing Australia - Top tips to protect your hearing at the gym

https://www.hearing.com.au/Hearing-loss/Prevention /Top-tips-to-protect-your-hearing-at-the-gym

Shen Wanyi
Senior trainer of Ostar Hearing Aids
Graduated from Mackay Medical College in Taiwan
Has been invited to participate in hearing exchange activities with an international team of audiologists

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