I have had tinnitus for two months, can it still be cured?

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There are two types of tinnitus. One is the sound generated by muscle contraction, blood flow, and airflow around the ear, which is transmitted into the ear. This is tinnitus with a sound source. The other is that there is no sound source, but the patient still feels the presence of sound in the ear or head. Some of them have causes, such as otitis media, ear canal cerumen, etc.; some cannot find any cause, which is called special Paroxysmal tinnitus. Tinnitus can range from mild to severe. In mild cases, it can only be noticed in a quiet environment and basically does not affect normal life. In severe cases, the tinnitus is so loud that the patient cannot work or rest normally.

I have had tinnitus for two months, can it still be cured? Tinnitus is a common clinical symptom and is not a disease. Because such people have been in a state of high pressure and tension for a long time, the body has formed inertia, and its neck, back, and head have become tight, like a rubber band. Usually, if you move the meridians and twitch, the rubber tendons will move, the Qi and blood will feel better, and it will be relieved. But the rubber band is an inertia. If it is not stimulated, it will return to its original state of tension and anxiety and relapse. After relief, you need to start from aspects of life, work, and diet. In life, we should pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and we should learn to slowly let go of mental chores and worries. Mental chores, tension and anxiety can only be strengthened by the patients themselves. By ravaging our bodies and emptying our souls, we can think less about these things, train our bodies to be great, and enjoy life at the same time. If you are chased by life and continue to adjust in this way, you will slowly recover and never relapse.

What should you do if you have tinnitus?
Method 1 to relieve tinnitus symptoms

1. Use a sound generator to cover up the ringing or buzzing sound. They produce white noise, relaxing sounds, or soft music that can drown out ringing or buzzing in your ears. Such options include in-ear devices, headphones, and white noise machines. You can also use the sound produced by household appliances, such as air conditioners, air purifiers, fans or televisions (at low volumes). Although sound therapy cannot cure tinnitus, it can reduce symptoms, improve concentration, and help you sleep. Medical-grade sound therapy equipment is expensive and not covered by health insurance. If you're looking for a more affordable treatment option, consider using ambient sounds, soft relaxing music, or video streaming services. Compared with sounds that come and go like waves, a steady and calm sound is more effective, such as white noise that sounds like a constant "shhhhhh" sound.

2. Use Hearing Aids to control hearing loss and mask tinnitus. If you have hearing loss, hearing aids can amplify outside sounds and mask ringing or buzzing in your ears. Ask your doctor to refer you to an audiologist or hearing care professional. They will help you choose and fit the right hearing aid. Even if you don’t have hearing loss, there are some hearing aids on the market that can stimulate the auditory nerve or cover up the tinnitus with white noise, which can be very helpful for you.. Although hearing aids are expensive, most health insurance covers basic hearing aids.

3. Consult your doctor about antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications. Psychotropic medications can reduce symptoms and help relieve insomnia caused by tinnitus, making it easier to cope with. Severe tinnitus can trigger stress, anxiety, and depression, and psychotropic medications are most effective in this condition. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all worsen tinnitus. These emotions and tinnitus form a vicious cycle, causing each other to cause the situation to get worse and worse. If you experience this vicious cycle, your doctor may recommend taking antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications. Antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications can cause some side effects, including blurred vision, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, irritability, and decreased libido. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any side effects or new or unusual symptoms, such as depression, suicidal thoughts, or aggressive behavior.

4. Find a therapist who is expert in controlling tinnitus. Your therapist can help you manage your tinnitus and deal with its impact on your quality of life. This type of treatment is often combined with other treatment options, such as medication or sound therapy. Search for experienced therapists and other healthcare professionals with expert listings at sites like the Tinnitus Society or Tinnitus Light.

5. Consult your doctor about experimental treatments. There's no cure for tinnitus, but research continues, so you should keep an open mind about experimental treatments. Stimulating the brain and nerves with electrical or magnetic pulses may return overactive neuron cells to normal, stop sending false auditory signals, and prevent tinnitus from occurring. This type of technology is still in the development stages, so talk to your doctor or hearing care professional to see if one of the newer technologies might work for your situation. There may be new medications coming to the market in the near future, and you can talk to your doctor or hearing care professional about emerging treatments.
Method 2 Change lifestyle

1. Reduce exposure to noise. Noise can trigger and worsen tinnitus symptoms. Wear noise-blocking earplugs or earmuffs if you work in a noisy environment, use power tools, do yard work, use a vacuum cleaner, or do any other job that makes noise.

2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Regular aerobic exercise is especially helpful, so try walking, running, cycling and swimming. In addition to being good for your overall health, exercise also improves blood flow, which may help relieve tinnitus caused by poor heart or circulation. Staying active is also good for your emotional health. If you rarely exercise, be sure to consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program. If you have ever had any health problems, you should ask your doctor first.

3. Try meditation and relaxation techniques. Stress can worsen tinnitus. When you start to feel anxious, worried, or panicked, try taking a deep breath and allowing yourself to relax. Inhale slowly and count to 4 silently in your mind, then hold your breath and count to 4 silently again, and finally exhale to the count of 4. Continue controlling your breathing in this way for a minute or two or until you relax.As you breathe, imagine a relaxing scene, such as a beach or a calming childhood memory. Try to avoid situations and people that cause you stress. If you already have a lot to do, don't take on new responsibilities or overwork yourself. Taking a yoga or martial arts class can also promote mindfulness and relaxation. Attending these classes also provides the opportunity to socialize with others and help improve your overall mindset.

4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. Drink less alcohol and reduce your intake of caffeinated tea and coffee, soda and chocolate. These substances can affect blood flow and worsen tinnitus. Nicotine is particularly harmful. If necessary, you can consult your doctor about how to quit smoking. If you have trouble falling asleep due to tinnitus, reducing your caffeine intake may also help.

Method 3 to treat potential health problems

1. Seek medical examination to obtain accurate diagnosis results. Tinnitus is characterized by a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, but it is not a disease but a symptom. Make an appointment with your doctor for a checkup to find out the root cause of your tinnitus. The doctor will perform a physical examination and hearing test. Tinnitus can be caused by exposure to loud noise, earwax blocking the ear canal, heart or blood vessel problems, certain prescription medications, and thyroid disease.

2. If necessary, ask your doctor to refer you to an expert in this field. You can check for tinnitus with your GP or general practitioner, but they may refer you to an audiologist, or ear, nose and throat specialist. The former is a hearing care specialist and the latter is a specialist in diagnosing and treating ear, nose and throat-related head and neck areas. These experts have better knowledge and equipment and can help you develop a long-term tinnitus control plan.

3. If you are often exposed to loud noises, be sure to tell your doctor. Loud noises can cause hearing damage and are a common cause of tinnitus. You may be more likely to develop tinnitus if you work in a factory or construction site, frequently operate power tools, attend concerts frequently, perform music, or have been exposed to explosions. Letting your doctor know if you are exposed to loud noises can help them rule out other illnesses.

4. Discuss the medications you take with your doctor. More than 200 drugs are known to cause or worsen tinnitus, including some antibiotics, anticancer drugs, antimalarials and diuretics. If you take any medications, ask your doctor if you need to reduce your dose or switch to another medication with fewer side effects.

5. If there is a lot of earwax accumulated in the ear canal, ask the doctor to help you rinse it out. Accumulated earwax can block the ear canal, causing hearing loss, ear tingling, and tinnitus. If necessary, your doctor can flush the ear canal with medicated drops or a special suction device. Never flush your ears without consulting your doctor. You can try some home remedies, such as using a dropper to put baby oil or hydrogen peroxide into your ear canal to remove earwax. However, these methods should only be used with the consent of your doctor. Don't use cotton swabs to clean your ears; they can sting the ears and push wax deeper into the ear canal.

6. If necessary, control your blood pressure and blood vessel problems. The doctor will prescribe medication to treat tinnitusrelated to high blood pressure or other blood circulation problems. Take your medication as directed, and ask your doctor if you need to change your diet or lifestyle. For example, you may need to reduce your salt intake. Use dried or fresh herbs instead of salt when cooking, avoid salty snacks, and don't add extra salt to foods. Your doctor may also recommend that you reduce your fat intake and exercise more.

7. If necessary, treat thyroid disease with medication. Tinnitus may also be associated with hyper or hypothyroidism. The former is an overactive thyroid gland, and the latter is an underactive thyroid gland. The doctor will check for enlargement or lumps in the thyroid gland in the neck and do blood tests to check the function of the thyroid gland. Once a problem is discovered, your doctor will prescribe medication to regulate your thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid medications usually need to be taken on an empty stomach at specific times of the day. If you need to take medication, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

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