How many decibels of hearing loss does it take to become deaf?

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  • Source:Audion Hearing Aids

Deafness is a relatively common ENT disease. There are many types of deafness. The more common ones are neurological deafness, conductive deafness, and mixed deafness. The standard for diagnosing deafness is mainly hearing loss.

How many decibels of hearing loss will cause deafness?
In fact, what we professionals call deafness and what many people call deafness may not be the same concept. What most people think of as deafness is true deafness, inability to hear or basically inability to hear, which is a general term.

According to national standards, the degree of hearing loss is divided into the following categories:
Normal hearing: less than 25dB, which belongs to the normal hearing range.
Mild hearing loss: 26-40 dB. People with hearing impairment have no or only slight hearing loss, which generally does not affect speech communication ability. Whether to use Hearing Aids depends on the degree of personal reliance on hearing in work and life.
Moderate hearing loss: 41-60 dB. It will be difficult in an environment with a slight distance, background noise, and group conversation. The TV volume is turned up high, interruptions occur, and the resolution begins to decrease. The correct selection and use of hearing aids has a great impact on hearing and protects residual hearing.
Severe hearing loss: 61-80 dB. People with hearing impairment can hear loud sounds or conversations at close range, and can even distinguish environmental noise or vowels, but cannot detect consonants. Hearing aids can improve the listening effect and establish basic conversational ability.

Extremely severe hearing loss: greater than 80 dB. Hearing-impaired people can no longer rely solely on hearing to communicate with others. They need the help of lip reading and body language. Hearing aids can help hearing-impaired people communicate with the outside world. Protect the safety of hearing-impaired people and improve their communication skills.

Generally, people with hearing loss exceeding 40 dB need to wear hearing aids, and the sooner they choose hearing aids, the better. Otherwise, it will affect your life and communication with others.

When we feel that we are suffering from symptoms of deafness or hearing loss, such as being unable to hear clearly, we often ask others to Repeating language, unconsciously turning up the volume when listening to music or watching TV, etc. We need to pay attention to this situation.

People who have this phenomenon need to go to the hospital for examination in time. Through the hearing examination, you can see what your average hearing loss is and what level of hearing loss it is. , and then carry out corresponding treatment. At the same time, we must be clear that the earlier the treatment of deafness is, the better, and time is delayed.The longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to treat and the less effective it will be.
At the same time, some deaf patients will have tinnitus before their deafness. This is also a precursor to deafness, so you need to pay attention. After tinnitus occurs, you still need to seek medical treatment in time to check the cause.

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